XVI International Kuzbass Coal Forum 2013, which is traditionally held under the logo "Innovation and development strategy in coal industry", took place in Kemerovo on October 8th-11th. This is the only one exhibition event in Russia, which reflects the entire infrastructure of the coal industry: coal science, coal mining and coal washing technology, coal machinery, coal processing, coal selling and coal-fired power industry, to bring together all interested experts to discuss innovations and development strategies in coal industry, and allows us to learn the novelties in coal engineering,
30.09.2013 shipment of a large set of grain semitrailers Tonar 974 614 for a big agricultural holding on September, 30th.. Modification with a metal roof, V-61 m³.
Testing of Tireboss control system for Tonar dumper 4525 6x4 is successfully completed.
System is found to be effective to significantly increase the performance of freight transport in the mixed transport cycle.
According to test results it was decided to equip "Tonar" Commercial operation office with this system as well as offer it as an option for customers.
The world's leading and domestic manufacturers of commercial vehicles presented their achievements at the 12th International specialized exhibition COMTRANS'2013 on September 10-14th, 2013. "Tonar" was one of them..
Test of Tonar grain handler (V-36 m³) was held on the basis of one of the farms in Oryol region on August, 19-24.
On September 5th the first set of platform container carriers was shipped to one of the republics of Africa.
On August, 23rd Tonar introduced new items that should interest builders and forest industry representatives . The first is timber truck with manipulator as well as extended timber trailer. The presented models are unique around Russia and allow you carrying impressive amount of cargo, while machines are manufactured for domestic operating conditions. Also one could see the variety of equipment that is used for transportation of timber and forest products, such as flatbed semitrailers with bolsters, upgraded timber semitrailer and a semi-trailer with sliding floors. Guests of the plant - carriers and journalists – couldn’t hide their delight by how quickly production range was extending. Undoubtedly, presented novelties will find their buyer.
On August 7-8th "Tonar" presented a new model of a semi-trailer for potato transportation at AGROFORUM "Potatoes and Vegetables 2013" which took place in Dmitrov district, Moscow region. It differs from the serial model by the height of the fifth wheel (1350mm. for cross-country trucks), spring suspension and optional floor conveyor protection. This model was interesting for representatives of potato growing farms.
From August 19 to 24 on the basis of one of the A farm test of Tonar grain handler, V-36 m3, was held in Oryol region on August, 19-24.
Handler was used to load grain in "sleeves" together with 3MP-180 grain packing machine.
More than 20 cycles of loading and unloading was made and around 400 tons of grain was handled.